Birds on the Araucaria property

Birds we’ve seen or heard so far this month (December 2011) on or very near the Araucaria property in the Scenic Rim, southeast Queensland are:

Australian magpie
barn owl
bar-shouldered dove
black duck
brown cuckoodove
brush cuckoo
channel-billed cuckoo
crested skriketit
eastern rosella
eastern whipbird
eastern yellow robin
fan-tailed cuckoo
grey butcherbird
grey shrike-thrush
Lewin’s honeyeater
masked lapwing
noisy miner
noisy pitta
olive-backed oriole
pale-vented bush hen
pheasant coucal
pied currawong
rainbow lorikeet
red-browed finch
rose-crowned fruitdove
spangled drongo
sulphur-crested cockatoo
Torresian crow
varied triller
variegated fairywren
wedge-tailed eagle
welcome swallow
wonga pigeon

The crested shriketit was a surprise – only the second time we’ve seen it here in 30 years.

The pale-vented bush-hen moved in last month, but that was the first time we have seen or heard it here.

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