Frogs in the Araucaria pond

Frogs at home at Running Creek, Scenic Rim, southeast Queensland

Dainty green treefrog

Dainty green treefrog

We’ve been hearing and seeing a few frogs lately, on warm wet evenings (although some of the evenings have been surprisingly cool for a Queensland summer).

Clicking froglets (Crinia signifera) have been very vocal, and we’ve heard a variety of others, including spotted and striped marsh frogs, tusked frogs, the green tree frog and the great barred frogs.

This little beauty is the dainty green treefrog, Litoria gracilenta, on a Dianella (native flax lily) next to the small pond near our wildlife ecology centre.

3 thoughts on “Frogs in the Araucaria pond

  1. That is a cute little frog. My sister has a bunch on her property (not green tree frogs, buut another tree frog type) and the croaking is not cute. lol. Possibly they only croak when mating? because it seems seasonal. I never here them, but then all of a sudden you hear them for a couple of months at night. lol but still cute 🙂

  2. Frogs do call at different times. Now that autumn’s moving towards winter, we’re not hearing the green tree frog or great barred frog any more, just the striped marsh frog (which will probably stop soon) and the whistling treefrog and clicking froglet (both of which will probably continue through winter. We only hear orange-eyed treefrog, ornate burrowing frog and graceful treefrog on warm wet summer nights.

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