Through central New South Wales
On the road
Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo
This was the first free-range zoo in Australia, opened in 1977, now harbouring over 1000 animals..

White rhino and youngster. Some are suggesting wearing more rhinos to Australia’s outback (contained of course, but in enormous enclosures) to protect them from poaching inter hime countries.
The Parkes Telescope

The Dish stands about 15km from where my mother was born (Parkes) and spent most of her childhood years (a sheep and wheat farm near Alectown). It achieved fame when asked film Armstrong’s first steps onto the moon, an event later to be made into an entertaining movie, “The Dish.”.
Within the information centre are other signs letting us know the fact and the fiction in the movie.
Passing through Alectown, we made a very brief stop at the little church where my parents were married in the 1930s
Many years ago I visited with my parents. Each signed the visitor’s book, and each of my parents wrote “married here.” I wanted to put “result” after my name but wasn’t allowed
Then back to Mullumbimby to return Axel to his mother and dog, and on to Running Creek, to be greeted by our dogs and Denis